Wednesday, February 16, 2011


... oh how I wish they were real and not just imitations...


  1. You and me both, those look like the real ones though, mine have started to come up in the last couple of days, they should be blooming next month. Vicky

  2. Voici celui que j'ai créé !

  3. me too!, it is warm here today,,,still snow on the ground but it is around 50 out there. We live by an elementary and middle school, so nice to hear the kids outside playing again!

  4. LOL... I thought I was gona have to tell you how upset i was because you had Daffodils already...giggle..I was almost glad they were fake...but they sure do look real...soon we will all have them popping up.
    I actually made my final decision to buy one of my former houses becasue there were 6 flowerbeds filled with Daffodils..1000 of them bloom every spring and it is just beautiful..

    Have a great day!


  5. Oh how I wish they were real too! Can't wait for the spring flowers to arrive!

    Carmen and the Primcats

  6. oh how I can relate... but they look pretty good! ;)

  7. They look real to me, they look nice in the vintage watering can. Hugs Mary

  8. Real... fake.... as long as theya re not covered with 3 ft of snow, they are fabulous!!!!! ;-)

  9. Mine have came up and are about to bloom here in Alabama. It is 68 degrees today.. I think they want it to be Spring !! I know I do!!!

  10. I hate to tell you this, but we have crocuses, snowdrops blooming for a couple of weeks and the daffodils are just about ready to bloom. A week ago a friend said she knew someone with them in bloom already.

    But then I live in the banana belt of Canada...the lower mainland of Vancouver...where the Olympics were happening last year!

    Sandi in New Westminster B.C.

  11. Here in Georgia the daffodils are blooming for real, up to the 70's this weekend.

  12. Before you know the real ones will be popping up until then these sure bring a bright spot to your watering can!


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