Wednesday, July 7, 2010

~*I Found Someone Else's Stitches*~

Hello Dear Friends! Oh, I'm so happy to report that my sampler is stitched & waiting to be framed. I'm actually going to be framing it myself (wish me luck!) in a frame my dear hubby made for me a few weeks ago. The sampler was designed to fit in the frame and it seems I've succeeded in that mission. Later on today, I need to swing by the store to pick up some sequin pins to hold the stitching to the foam core. So maybe, just maybe, I can share the finish with you tomorrow... or at least in the next couple of days.

Today I've been passing the time with some household chores and some wool dyeing. Between those duties though... I had a brainstorm!

Last February, I found someone else's stitches (literally!) at an antique/thrift shop. It was maybe $8. I thought it was just too good to pass up & be ignored and/or neglected in the shop. It was just sitting on the bottom shelf of displays with a bunch of trinkets. So I bought it. It was stitched on white Aida... and spotted with some stains. The white bothered me, but the stains didn't. Isn't that silly? So, I walnut dyed it a couple months back and it has been sitting in my laundry room since then. Today though... it finally dawned on me that I have a HUGE box of frames... some old & some new... sitting in the store room. Maybe one of those frames would fit this piece? Well, sure enough! I found one... an antique frame... complete with old wood backing & old 'scratched up' glass. So why the wool soaks on the stove... I set to work...

The walnut dyed piece...

Looks like the old & dirty frame will be a good fit...

With this framing, I had planned on saving as much of the original frame as possible... complete with the wood backing. This is NOT the 'right' way to frame things and is not how I intend to frame my finished sampler model. But for this... it works wonderfully!

All finished... pictured without the camera flash...

With the flash...

I'm pleased! :)

Well... back to the dye pots...

Wishing you all warm smiles...


  1. It is wonderful what you have done to give life to a forgotten sampler!
    The frame is perfect for it.

  2. You big tease! LOL! No matter how nice "someone else's stitches" might look in that frame... we're all waiting for YOUR stitches! ;-)

  3. Hey Betty! Can't wait to see you new sampler!

    You do realize, that sampler has been waiting for you at that thrift shop because you had the perfect from for it. LOL! I couldn't have passed it up either! Great job!

    Lee at Falling Star

  4. looks beautiful! It's so hot here in Baltimore that dying wool is on the bottom of my priority list today :)

  5. Wow, it looks great. It stained up really nice and I so love the peacocks. What a find.

  6. Betty ~
    Great job on someone else's stitches. It looks terrific!
    Pug hugs :)

  7. Betty ~
    Great job on someone else's stitches. It looks terrific!
    Pug hugs :)

  8. What a beautiful find. I would have snatched that up, too! The frame is perfect.

  9. Fabulous! But I'm with Sharon, I want to see your completed piece :).

  10. I still need to put my finished ones in frames.
    Love the piece you found and beautiful way to frame it.


  11. Betty, you are a genius!! The sampler is just beautiful. I wish I lived next door to you, I'd love to have you for my neighbor!

  12. The Sampler looks very well in the antique frame...! Congrats! :o) Very nice!

  13. So happy that stitched piece found a good home with you ~ looks fabulous in the frame!


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