Sunday, July 28, 2019

~*New News!~

Hello Dear Friends!

Have you received your new copy of Wool Works Magazine?  It is out!  ~*Willa Witch*~ is the pattern I created for this Fall Issue.  Isn't she cute?  I love making these needle punch dolls!

If you haven't subscribed yet, you will want to!  There are so many wonderful patterns and designers.

And in other news, after too long.... my Etsy Shoppe has been re-opened!  Some of my older, retired patterns are currently for sale in PDF version only.  With any luck, I will be able to offer more of the retired patterns in this format.

I also have plans to offer NEW needle punch patterns soon!!!  For now, all patterns will be in PDF only.  

For my cross stitch fans, I am sorry, but for now there won't be any new cross stitch patterns.  My eyes are not as strong as they use to be.  Even with bifocals and readers (YES!  I wear both at the same time sometimes!) and magnifiers it is just too uncomfortable.

Wishing you all warm smiles,


1 comment:

  1. Hiya Betty! I almost fell off my chair this morning when I seen this post, cuz I wuz thinking about you yesterday!!! And, wondering if you were ever going to get back to designing (and selling)!!! I have a few of your cross stitch patterns (all set to get stitching on) with all the required threads in the bags with the pattern! Willa Witch is cute~ Heading over to your Etsy to see what you are offering... welcome back! :-)


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