Wednesday, September 3, 2008

~*Busy Wednesday*~

Hello Dear friends.... it has been one busy day. Last night I received a phone call with news that my Dad wants me to come for a visit. So today I've been trying to get everything together for the five hour drive. As you may know, he has lung cancer. He has been getting radiation treatments, but has not been improving. Last week the doctors gave him a feeding tube... but still no improvement. My darling hubby cannot get away from work ~ Trinity and I will be making the drive alone. Maybe a little sun~shiny smile from Trinity will brighten Dad's day.... and bring a little joy to my step Mom and Grandma too. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers on his behalf.... they are GREATLY appreciated.


On a lighter note, I've been awarded ~ again.....

from Linda of Linda Pinda's Blog AND Kathy of Rugs of time. WOW! Thank you! I'm honored to have been given this award so many times.... guess I really am a prim crafter! Because I've been given and shared the award before.... I'm not going to send it along again. But thank you ever so kindly for thinking of me. It really touches my heart!


I would also like to thank you all for you sweet comments on my blog! I don't reply to them.... well, because I haven't figured out how. But I do read each and everyone and LOVE that you are reading the little things I post!


Also, over there on the side bar, I've added a link for you to click that goes right to all my freebie patterns. If you are looking for one, it should be there. I'm feeling it is time to offer another one & plan to do it soon. When we are back from Dad's, I'll work on putting one up.

Have a blessed weekend and many smiles to you....



  1. Betty,
    Many blessing to you and your family. Have safe travels and enjoy every moment!
    Wooly Hugs, Laurie

  2. Wishing you and Trinity a safe trip to your dad's and back. I'm sure that Trinity's smile will do much to brighten your dad's spirits. :D

  3. Safe trip, Betty, and cherish every minute of your visit as I'm sure your Dad will.

  4. Enjoy your time with your father.
    How nice of you to have a post for all your freedbies, they are all great.

  5. Drive safe to your Dad's, Betty, and know that we're praying for him. I hope too that Trinity will be a ray of sunshine for him.

  6. Prayers being said for your father and you too Betty. Safe travels!

  7. Safe travels for you and Trinity Betty and I hope your dad will really enjoy your time with him. I'll keep you all in my prayers.

    Lori R

  8. Hope you had a safe trip there, and drive carefully coming back. Keeping you and your's in my prayers. Wishing you special moments with your Dad!

  9. Thinking of you, Betty as you travel to be with your Dad.


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