Friday, March 20, 2009

~*Tag Sale Finds and Fun*~

Hello Dear Friends! I was going to wait until tomorrow to post about this, but tomorrow is looking to be a busy one... plus, I'm really excited about my new treasures!

This morning, Trinity and I hit a few Spring~Time tag sales while getting some other errands finished. We spent less than $5... but had so much fun with it. Here are SOME of our finds ~

I have seen some hooked items attached to old boot jacks & am thinking of how or what I'm going to do with this one. Maybe I can work up a needle punch to dress it up? I'm still thinking about this. When I saw the wooden spoons, I remembered a primitive spoon holder that I had seen. It was a hanging pocket sort of thing with slots to poke the spoons down into. Maybe I can get to work on that little ditty in the next few days. The towel holder is already hanging in our kitchen, thanks to my darling hubby... with a couple of towels drying on it from tonight's supper clean up. It isn't old, but looks it! The basket was only 10 cents... you all know, we can never have enough baskets! The broken strainer? Well... this is what it has become...

With the help and inspiration of Char at The Pickled Pepper Patch it has been reborn into a vintage, fly screen. This broken lil' treasure too ~ was only 10 cents! Tony used a grinder to cut the busted handle off for me. I asked him to leave the knobby things because I kind of liked them there. Then I painted a wooden cabinet handle/knob and screwed it to the top. I have it sitting on one of my White Ironstone dishes that I HUNT for at all the tag sales. It is empty of any foods under the screen right now... being on a strict Weight Watchers diet, our home is empty of chocolate chip cookies right now. But it is pretty cool huh?

I also found this darling little shoe form 'thingy' for $1... I just liked it, but don't have any 'make dos' planned for it...

Trinity found a new hat and a vintage Yahtzee game. I say it is vintage, because the original K Mart label is still on it. New, it only cost $3.47 'back in the day'. We spent a little time this afternoon playing the game. He beat me something silly!

Tag sales wasn't all the fun today. I was inspired by The Pickled Pepper Patch for this today too!

I have had this knife holder set for a number of years. They are not the best knives in the world, but I use them. I can now say, I'm PROUD to have this sitting on my counter. I think the change is AWESOME!

The label was found in a print program that we have downloaded on our computer. It was sweet, I thought, that is was for knife polish. Here is a close up...

So... none of this has anything to do with stitching, hooking, punching, or dolly making... but it was fun prim crafting & treasure hunting!

Wishing you all a weekend of joyous smiles & happy crafting!



  1. OMG!!!...I love your finds & love your fly screen!...How wonderful to have a label for knife polish?!...that block looks awesome!....thanks for sharing your finished projects with us....I love seeing others work finished!!!!

  2. Wow you found some awesome goodies today and just love the fly screen and knife holder. Trinity looks pleased with his new find today!

  3. Yay for finding all those goodies!!!! I really like the look of the knife holder! Maybe I might try something like that with mine. Smiles to Trinity the Yahtzee champion!!!!! :-)

  4. Yay! Glad the weather is getting warmer. Was hoping to hit garage/tag sales today, but when we woke up it was raining....oh well.....going to a wool sale I need some :)

    Love the make-do fly screen and what you did with the knife holder....I threw out my "holder" when we remodeled the I wish I would have saved it!

  5. Awesome tag sale-ing! LOL, love the knife sticker and the fly trap. Talk about a crafty way to dress up old and broken things.

  6. Well being from Minnesota, I have to comment on the Minnesota Twins hat. LOVE IT! GO TWINS!

  7. Lots of great goodies and fun finds.
    I have seen wooden shoe forms, but never one like that, too neat.


  8. Betty, You've been one busy lady! What bargains you got at the tag sales. I stopped at the first garage sale of the season yesterday and walked out with nothing! All they had was Playstation games and clothes - none of them wool. ~Ann

  9. Cool finds Betty - Can't wait or the tag sales to start around here - in another few weeks - I found a boot jack last year with the same intention - putting a hooked item on it but so far it's just hanging in my entryway - I think a PN piece would be better!

  10. Betty,
    Such clever ideas for your finds and love what you did to your knife holder!
    Tell Trinity Yahtzee is my favorite game and if I lived closer I'd love to come over and play it with him!

    Lori R

  11. What neat treasures....really love your fly screen!! I need to find me one of those strainers, so I can make someone one too....great job!!

  12. Wow Betty, Wonderful finds! How creative on that fly screen. Too cute. And I love that shoe form. Nice way to spruce up your knives! Looks real prim, and how appropriate was that label? Nice job.

  13. Betty, what great things you found. Our garage sales haven't quite started here. Any week now, though.
    I also started a diet last week. Atkins~low carb. I want a cookie too!!! Maybe we can talk each other through the cookie impulses. It's VERY hard isn't it??? The second day after I started I went to a red hat party at my sisters (I'm still a pink hat~under 50) anyway she had this fruit dip made with cream cheese and marshmallow cream. Dipping perfectly good fruit in it!!! YUM... Those girls all tried to get me to cheat, but I showed them REAL POWER!!!! Not a bite. Not even a glass of wine. Boy it felt good to write that! Good luck with Weight Watchers. I've heard it's the Only way to go and really keep it off.

  14. Oh I love Yahtzee! My son and I played this alot! Tell Trinity that was a great find!

    You found some great goodies Betty. And your fly screens are awesome!

    Visit my blog, I've given you an award!!

  15. Why oh why, didn't I think of that??? I simply MUST have my knives out, but I have always hated that knife block! Thanks for sharing... now I have a weekend project to work on (like I needed another!)


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