Monday, January 9, 2012

~*New Pattern TEASE*~

Hello Dear Friends!

Yes, this is a TEASE and I'm sorry for being so ornery... but sometimes I just can't help it. (I took the picture while still in the works... and then played around with the alteration tools in my photo program.)

Here it is... (ya, I know you can just barely see it... but I can't show it all just yet.)

With any luck... I will have this one finished and worked into a pattern for the February needlework market... TNNA.

Can you see what it is?















How about a primitive bell pull?


Wishing you warm smiles...


P.S. Don't forget to sign up on my Giveaway if you haven't done so already. SMILES!!


  1. I can see enough to know that I like it, looks like another wonderful pattern.


  2. You are indeed a tease - looking forward to the final unveiling.

    Hugs, Kaye xoxox

  3. Looks VERY innerestin'..... I think I'm gonna like it!! :) :)

  4. Looks like it's going to be a wonderful pattern!
    Miss Tease!!!
    Prim Blessings

  5. yup..looks like it is going to be another sweet pattern..
    love for you cucki xx

  6. You're always up to something good! Maybe I can get one of my schoolgirl samplers stitched before you release this one? lol! ;-)

  7. From what I can see, it looks great. Love the bell pull idea. Nice change up!

  8. What a tease...primitive bell pull sounds great!

  9. Yes - you are a tease - I am definitely curious ;)

  10. Looks like it's going to be another fabulous pattern.

    Have a wonderful day~Becky

  11. First off......Ms. TEASEY!
    I rec'd the pattern I ordered - wow - what a beauty in person. Your pattern presentation is SPOT ON!!!! Thank you for being so fast!
    As for the new pattern......shoot......I can barely see it, but I can tell it is a beauty! I know I will want it too.
    Thanks Betty....aka......Ms. Teasy!!!!!

  12. This promises to be all kinds of fun...I love the tongues at the bottom.'s been years and years since I've seen a bell pull pattern of any kind. Great idea Miss Betty!! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin


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