Friday, March 23, 2012

~*Friday Finishes*~

Hello Friends and Happy Friday! The day is getting away from me. Trinity and I took some time this morning to hit some garage sales. I was lucky to find several 100% wool garments for a great price at one sale; while he found several little trinket toys at several other sales. It was a fun time out and about. However, after getting home... I started not to feel too well. It seems I have a cold brewing... aches, chills, and a naggy cough. Needless to say... most of the rest of the day has been worthless. There is so much to do... but I'm just not feeling it right now. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Enough of that... how about some ~*Friday Finishes*~!

These were lovingly stitched by Robin to give the hostesses of her bridal shower. What a great idea! And what lovely works! Robin used my freebie ~*Friend Freebie*~...

Robin, they are just beautiful! Thank you for stitching and sharing. Best wishes and congratulations on your wedding too. May you have a lifetime of happiness together... now and always. <3

Wishing you all warm smiles...



  1. Lovely blog. I love garage sales as well.

  2. I hope you get to feeling better Betty.... could it be allergies? They say the pollen count is horrible in the south. Please take care! I love the finishes!
    Cathy G

  3. Feel Better Betty. Greg just came home today and felt fine and about an hour later he told me he had aches all over, stuffy nose and just felt awful. Came on just that fast. Sounds like it's going around. Take care.


  4. These are sp pretty! Great fabric and finish to a great design! Makes me want to make one now! lol! I hope your feeling better today, Betty! It's very frustrating when you don't have the energy to enjoy what you want to enjoy... hugs!

  5. hope you are feeling a wee bit better now ... lovely wee finishes ..I've got this to do for a rak or two .. once done will let you see my finishes too :) love mouse xxxxx

  6. hello betty! i used a freebie that i saw here in your blog:

  7. I'm not normally a blue person, but those are beautiful! A very sweet idea that Robin has also!

    Have a terrific week~


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