Thursday, September 6, 2012


Hello Dear Friends!  

I've been busy preparing (stressing!) for the Great American Market... happening Saturday!  The day should be filled with so much excitement!  I'm looking forward to meeting friends... new and old!  And the weather forecast is superb!  It is going to be sunny and in the low 70s!  Awesome!  Come out this way if you can!

*** I will be set up on the "Lost" block... the 300 block of Commercial just south of the Car Show. ***

I have things gathered and most of it is ready to be boxed for the trip to town... some is still needing to be finished and some still needs price tags... but it is all coming together.

However, I am feeling like my hair is more frazzled than normal... and I'm catching myself doing one then and skipping without rhyme or reason to something else... stress does that to me.  So... I took a few minutes this morning to enjoy some calmness.  These are some things in the studio that I enjoy... simple little bits of things that bring me such sweet joy...

 Tomato pincushions... some vintage, some not...
 Lots of old canning jars filled with buttons, rusty jingle bells, and other odd trinkets...
 Rulers and more rulers.  When I find them in my auction boxes... I just put them the bucket.  Maybe someday I'll make something with them?
 These are canister jars that are missing their lids.  We have new neighbors re~doing the old, beaten down farmhouse next to us.  They have two delightful boys that are becoming best friends with Trinity.  The three boys were looking around in the cellar of the house & found these jars.  They all agreed to give them to me.  How sweet!  I washed them up... and put my wooden spools in them.  Perfect... and heart felt...
 These two pieces of White Ironstone are my very favorite.  I've tucked spools of ecru crochet threads in the pitcher... and sunflowers in the bowl.  The flat, hooked sunflowers are ones I made... but the other is one given to me by my dear friend Ginger...
 I'm not sure how this collection began... but I do own several hog scrapers... saved and ready to be made into make~dos...
 This old scale was a gift to me from my Mom.  In the red, wood bowl on top... several silver thimbles...
That is all the pictures I took... but I have more little collections of things that I think are sweet.  I'll share them another time.  Right now... time for me to get back at it!

Wishing you warm smiles...



  1. i hope you have a lovely time on saturday..i wish i can come too..
    love for you x

  2. i have a rule too but i don't no where it is....i'm going to search...good weekend...

  3. You have some really great collections....looking forward to seeing you and Robin tomorrow!

  4. Aren't sewing things great to collect!! Your collections are wonderful!! Have a great day on Saturday and sell lots of goodies!!

  5. Lots of great things to collect and things you can use in your projects. I have a big jar that I keep my buttons in.


  6. Wonderful collections! And I love the way you have them displayed. So sweet of your son and his friends to think of you with the jars they found.... :)
    Have a great weekend, and I hope you make a lot of sales on Saturday!

  7. Ohhh sooo organized. Not me. No one but no one is allowed in 'my room', cause only I know where everything is. You are inspiring me and thanks ... I could use it.


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