Thursday, September 11, 2014

~*Mild Distraction*~

Hello Dear Friends!

Last night, I suffered from a mild distraction.  You know it is necessary to follow your muse!  We moved almost a year ago... and boxes are still being unpacked from our store room.  (shame... I know)  But, I ran across these stems that I had saved...

I'm sure you have seen them made into sweet, pumpkins... made of fabric!  Well, I made a few last night using some hand~dyed wool and my favorite linen thread...

Sweet, I think!

But... my distraction from punching was brief... and this morning at the bait shop, I was back at it...

Wishing you all warm smiles...


  1. I am always distracted, lol. Just wish I could finish what I start, faster;) I always waste fabric when punching since I use a mini rug frame but I cannot get two on there or punch close to the edge, need my space to sit my hand. Good thing I get my weavers with coupons.


  2. I just love your pumpkins!! Will you be selling them? I would love to purchase one.


What friends have said...